
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

How to Hold Space for Grief, Love and You

How to Hold Space for Grief, Love and You

Trigger warning: suicide, murder, parental and child loss. My journey with grief began when I was just 15. If I go back to my birth, the grief would’ve begun with my biological mother giving me up for adoption the moment I was born. When I was 15, my (adoptive) mom...
I Don’t Know What to Do!

I Don’t Know What to Do!

I hear this a lot… and sometimes, like just recently, it’s coming out of my own mouth. There are 2 Kinds of “I Don’t Know What to Do”: 1. You haven’t found your purpose yet. 2. You’ve lost your way or gone off path, or you’ve just had a major expansion. For the first...
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