
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

How to Decolonize Your Grief

How to Decolonize Your Grief

You’ve probably heard of the 5 or 7 stages of grief. If you haven’t, the 7 stages of grief are shock, denial, anger,  bargaining (guilt), depression, testing (finding your way out) and acceptance. Colonized society doesn’t want you to face and live with...
How to Come Down from a Panic Attack

How to Come Down from a Panic Attack

If you’re having a panic attack right now, your immediate steps are just below. If you’re looking for ways to stop a future panic attack, breathe gently and deeply and let’s get you some help Trauma, grief and panic tend to take your breath away, or...
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