
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

#TruthByBrenda Posts

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How to Interpret Dreams & Understand Your Life: Spiritual Signs & Symbols #TruthbyBrenda

How to Interpret Dreams & Understand Your Life: Spiritual Signs & Symbols #TruthbyBrenda

#1111. #444. Hawks. Eagles. Owls. Dolphins. Strange “coincidences.” What does it all mean? Every time you notice something a little out of the ordinary, pay attention. Write it down. Write down how you’re feeling and what’s happening for you. Note where you are and the time of day. It could be a dream or it might be something happening in your waking life. Make sure you note that too.

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How to Create and Reinforce Energetic and Spiritual Boundaries

How to Create and Reinforce Energetic and Spiritual Boundaries

There are 2 main kinds of boundaries: Spiritual/Energetic and Physical. Today’s tips are about the spiritual and energetic kind. The best kind of spiritual and energetic protection really is just feeling good, or as Abraham-Hicks would say, being in your Vortex. There are a lot of ways you can create energetic boundaries, which act as spiritual protection. Here are a few…

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3 Sweet Tips for Handling Frustration #TruthbyBrenda

3 Sweet Tips for Handling Frustration #TruthbyBrenda

I’m really frustrated. I’ve been having all kinds of technical difficulties with Facebook and my email. I’ve been feeling emotionally irritated and angry as well “for no reason”, which is just part of the package of grieving. I’m noticing that because of this grief, I’m getting better at allowing emotions to flow through me… and sometimes I get up in my head too much about it, so that I don’t have to feel what’s coming up. My grief counsellor helpfully called me out on that recently…

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How to Create Balance in the Mess of Real Life #TruthbyBrenda

How to Create Balance in the Mess of Real Life #TruthbyBrenda

Balance. Does it exist? Is it possible? Or it is balance shmalance? My quick answer is YES and NO. It exists if you can allow for mess and chaos to exist within it. We can’t have perfectly balanced lives with no contrast, but we CAN create a sense of balance within the mess of real life.

Since my son transitioned 4 months ago, I’ve been feeling out of balance – well, more like a tornado hit me and spit me out in some alternate reality I wanted…

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