
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

How Love Connects Us to Each Other and Mother Earth: Wild Rose & The Central Heart Fire

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A few days ago, a friend in one of the groups I belong to acknowledged that many of us right now are really feeling overwhelmed, have a lot on our plates and are trying to navigate a LOT in our lives and businesses. My response turned into a vision and a whole lot of healing energy pouring out of my hands and now, every single time (like right now) I think about it, that healing energy just pours right through me and out of my hands… which means you’re receiving healing just by reading this right now. Breathe it in…

What’s in the air really is worldwide right now. I had a vision and message from Mother Earth about this a few weeks ago. We’re headed onto a bumpy road for a little while. This is not some sort of doom and gloom message, but rather a beautiful show of support and connection from Mother Earth herself.


  1. Have ongoing solid self-care and whatever supports will help you.
  2. Don’t get caught up in downward spirals.
  3. Stay present in your body.


Know that gentle relief is also ahead and kind of already here. We do have a gentle wave of support (sky blue and light blue-green are the colours) right over the entire planet right now to help smooth things over.

I can feel the energy of certain tensions and situations in the land of politics being melted away. As this message and vision came through, I had to laugh out loud because I was shown that Spirit is taking care of that by melting those old systems away and kind of like pulling the one thread they are hanging on by, which would be why it won’t be pretty for a little while. The people who perpetuate those systems won’t like what they feel but they won’t really notice it or be able to stop it until Spirit has already unwoven that thread and melted down the foundation.


The Central Heart Fire is actually inside Mother Earth and is connected via energy lines to every one of our hearts. That is how we are connected to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Wow! I’ve always heard from hand drummers of all nations and backgrounds that the drum is the heartbeat of Mother Earth and I deeply feel that as a hand drum singer myself. But here’s the deeper truth about  that connection to Mother Earth’s heartbeat.

We are part of Mother Earth’s cardiovascular system, connected by what looks to me like blood vessels or streams of yellow and pink light, which I know from many past visions that pink and yellow waves of light = Universal Love. That oneness you hear spiritual leaders talk about – this is it right here. We have it available to us right now. We always have, but It is being made super clear that we are literally all one, and we are all connected.

The Central Heart Fire I saw (My guides told me that’s what they call it) is a huge heart on fire, lying right in the middle of the core of Mother Earth. It is bright reddish pink. Those thin streams of mostly yellow and some pink light are energy lines, some of them carrying a bit of that fire and crossing over, under and through rivers, streams, rock, soil, plant and tree roots and then out and up through our feet into our bodies to directly connect to each of our hearts.

The reason those lines are so thin is that the majority of human life on the planet has chosen a path of disconnection, anger, greed, violence, hatred and dissonance, rather than being of service to the highest good of all life everywhere. We can expand those streams of light by tapping into our own inner Central Heart Fire and turning up the flame. How?

  1. What has been holding you back from FEELING? Awareness is always the first step. Yes, systems for sure, but personally, what happens inside you when you say no to deeper connection and feeling your feelings? Part of the problem might also be the overwhelm of feeling too much of everyone else’s emotions. That’s one of my specialties, especially after losing my son to murder in 2016. If you want to have more hope and learn how to connect and feel what’s in your body and emotional body without all that overwhelm, subscribe to my newsletter and watch your inbox.
  2. Turn up the flame, just a little bit, using your intentions and visualization. We humans – part of our purpose is to nourish Mother Earth just as she nourishes us. Many have forgotten that. It’s time to remember.
  3. Wild Rose Medicine. Wild Rose showed up in the vision in my Medicine Song Healing Moment #17 video. Its message was “Life is here for us… and we need to be here for it.” I didn’t realize what that flower was until afterwards. At first I thought it was dogwood but it was pink and 5 petals, and later revealed to me that it was a wild rose. Wild rose medicine has been showing up for me in many forms and now I understand this is its message. An Indigenous colleague of mine has a deep relationship with wild roses and creates traditional plant medicines, which are available through her business Xálish Medicines starting late September 2021 (she’s on a harvest break). I have some of her wild rose flower essence and highly recommend it especially for these times. This is not an affiliate link. This is just me supporting an Indigenous sister who is of the land and carries good medicine… and supporting you with her beautiful medicine. She even sings to her plants. If you called, get yourself some rose medicine. That could be from my friend’s shop or it could be that you have access to wild roses where you live. Do not just pick them. First, talk to them, breathe in their beautiful aroma and sweetness. Feel what happens in your body when you do. Or get yourself some herbal tea with wild rose in it. Or just even look at a picture of one on google. Or just watch my video (link above). Rose holds the energy of love and her essence helps with grief.

Ever since this vision came in, when I connect back to it, healing energy flows through me like a gentle waterfall that fills me up so much that it must be shared. That is how we are meant to live – pouring life force, love, spirit, healing energy through us just automatically, and sharing the overflow with whoever needs it, while keeping our own bodies nourished by it.

I know, love love love is the message and always is and is who we are… and I will keep reminding you of that, as will Nature and your own body if you watch for it. We are going to get through this. Remember we are truly all connected at this heart and energy level, to that Central Heart Fire within Mother Earth and within each of us.

As difficult times show up, please remember…

Life is here for us… and we need to be here for it. This means being present in our bodies with our hearts and minds open.

Love & Blessings,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman



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About Brenda MacIntyre

About Brenda MacIntyre

Known by her indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her evocative melodic voice and fusion of reggae, rap and indigenous hand drum healing music with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America. The Toronto-based Juno Award-winning singer has been featured nationally on MuchMusic, CTV, CP24, APTN and most recently, Global and the front page of the Toronto Star.

Powered by her grief from losing her son to murder in 2016, Brenda MacIntyre pours her soulful voice over a confluence of indigenous hand drum healing, soft rap and conscious roots reggae in her album “Picking Up the Pieces,” released in September 2019.

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