
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

Message from Mother Earth: How to Handle this Phase of Our Planetary Shift

Mental Health | 4 comments

You know that in-between place where you have to hold space with all your might and trust, and take the steps that show up even if you can’t fully see the way forward?

Yeah, that’s where I am right now. A little bit of the Land of I Don’t Know, and a little bit holding space for whatever will show up.

If you can keep walking the path even when it gets foggy or hard to navigate, the inevitable result is that you will come into a better alignment with yourself and the energies of Mother Earth.

I’ve been able to take a lot of extra self-care time for the past month, and because of that, I am feeling so much presence, acceptance and peace even in the midst of all the flux. If you are an empath and/or you have personal experience with trauma and grief, then these states of being and some extra self-care can help you feel more grounded and connected.

Every now and then, I get messages from Mother Earth to share with you. This is one of those times. Even after thinking maybe I should keep it to myself and my inner circles (it’s kind of intense), she has told me very clearly this is to be shared and I do understand why, so here we go.


Who else is feeling this big lull? I know it’s just sort of the “dog days of summer” up here in the Northern hemisphere and all but I feel something else is happening, and when I go to write that it might be just for us here in Ontario, I am told yes but there is a far-reaching ripple effect going into motion right now too. It’s for all of us, not just for where I live.

First off I’m being told that there is nothing for us to do about it and that’s okay. There is a heaviness to whatever this is, but also a feeling of the light at the end of the long dark tunnel.

Take a deep breath into your heart and breathe it down to your belly and then give yourself a gentle stretch or shake. TIP: Do this often to break up stagnant energy or just even to come back to your body.

It feels like something’s already happening but we won’t find out about it until down the road when it’s too late to change it. It feels like some kind of destructive human behaviour at the political level is about to accidentally trigger Mother Earth in a way that course-corrects some of the damage that has been done.

I wrote this about a week ago and I’m feeling that this is already happening now. Not to alarm you because that is NEVER what these messages are about. Keep reading and you’ll see the very subtle almost nothing that you can do, to smooth the way through this phase of our planetary shift or as I call it, the Great Reawakening.

I see a wash of gentle ripples of energy going out that will activate this change, similar to the slow gentle ripples in this pond that my friend Kim took me for a walk around the other day. I’m being told the reason it is slow gentle ripples is due to “Higher Influences” which I am told are simply more evolved (than human) energies/beings from the Higher Realms or the Cosmos.

I can feel and see that it’s a small group of Star Beings who are helping us through this particular phase.

I don’t talk about aliens or Star Beings much publicly but I have had my own personal sightings and experiences and I’ve been taught by Indigenous elders (and just knew it in my bones) that we come from the stars. I’ll never forget the moment I read in Earth Science, I think in grade 9, that we are made of exactly the same elements as stars.

Most people will either not notice this energetic shift at all, or just feel weird or unsettled for a minute and have to catch their balance, physically and/or energetically. What I’ve been feeling is nausea, extra tiredness, little moments of unexplained confusion and a sense of feeling a little lost but also of being held and uplifted throughout this phase of our planetary shift.

With these energy ripples comes a sense of hope and harmony, so hold onto that when you feel otherwise.

Don’t forget that we do have some Higher assistance. I mean, we always do if we tap into it but even without trying, you are being supported right now, so please lean into that.

I tread lightly and listen carefully when I receive these messages from Mother Earth. I almost didn’t want to share this because it might feel a little doom and gloomy and my intention is never to inspire fear. But this isn’t about fear. It’s about the opposite – coming from a place of love and acceptance and allowing Mother Earth and these Star beings to do what they need to do. It’s about getting out of the way and taking only the actions that feel aligned with the Highest Good.

This phase is about being present, allowing yourself to feel, and I’m being told right now as I complete this that it’s about allowing our human energy to be – I can’t quite get this into words.

The vision is of those Star beings smoothing out and working with the energies (theirs, Mother Earth’s and our human energies), and I see people walking around with a light in their eyes, like I can tell they are present. I see an intricate flow of energies between us, Mother Earth and these Star beings.

We all are helping each other on an energy level and yet we humans don’t have to do anything spiritual or special or whatever to make that happen. It’s just happening anyway because after all, we are all Mother Earth’s children and we were created in a way that can help her to thrive. We’ve certainly gotten off path with that synergy but the energy that keeps us alive also helps to keep her alive, and it becomes even more beneficial to us and to her when we are being present in our bodies.

This is what wanted to be shared. I hope it helps you to know you are being supported and you are also instrumental to this planetary shift, even if you feel like there’s nothing you can do to help. Just continue on your journey of becoming more YOU and take whatever aligned actions show up along the way.

Love & Blessings,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman



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  1. Tammy

    I have been feeling this shifting — it has even been in my dreams in the past week. Thank you Brenda for validating the experience and letting us know that we don’t need to be in control of this. The Higher Realms have got this. Just letting myself move with the ripples and lean into the flow of what I am here to do and be.

    • Brenda MacIntyre

      Hi Tammy. Yes, big shifting happening and will continue for a while as the old systems continue to crumble. That’s great you’re letting yourself lean into your own flow.
      Big Blessings,

  2. June Ross

    Thank you? thank you? thank you? Brenda for taking the time to share that oh so exquisite and caring and healing message from Mother Earth. My heart feels the support and peace from that message. It is so awesome to feel that support. Thank you?

    • Brenda MacIntyre

      June, I’m so glad your heart is feeling the support and peace from the message from Mother Earth. More support is on the way from Higher Realms as Mother Earth continues through this shift. Blessings, Brenda



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About Brenda MacIntyre

About Brenda MacIntyre

Known by her indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her evocative melodic voice and fusion of reggae, rap and indigenous hand drum healing music with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America. The Toronto-based Juno Award-winning singer has been featured nationally on MuchMusic, CTV, CP24, APTN and most recently, Global and the front page of the Toronto Star.

Powered by her grief from losing her son to murder in 2016, Brenda MacIntyre pours her soulful voice over a confluence of indigenous hand drum healing, soft rap and conscious roots reggae in her album “Picking Up the Pieces,” released in September 2019.

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