
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

#TruthByBrenda Posts

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What to Do When Life’s Surprises Kick Your Ass

What to Do When Life’s Surprises Kick Your Ass

I don’t know about you but sometimes it feels like life is kicking my ass. The past 3 months have been mostly a living hell for me. I kind of knew this was going to happen, because losing a child to murder leaves you with court, the media, unanswered questions and unbelievable grief. Since it’s been beyond my control and very foreign to me, I had no idea what was in store for me. It’s true that the only thing we can control is ourselves – our choices, responses, actions, thoughts, and how we choose to live, given whatever circumstances we have at any moment.

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How to Create Light in Difficult Times

How to Create Light in Difficult Times

Chronic pain, grief, loss, heartbreak and stress affect a lot of us in different ways. On top of that, winter can be challenging to get through, especially here in eastern Canada where we experience all 4 seasons (and sometimes all 4 in the same day lol!). With Winter Solstice coming up, the Sun will soon bring us more light each day, but even then, we have a lot of cloudy days, and difficulties can sometimes seem to take over our lives.

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How to Navigate Roadblocks to Speaking Your Truth

How to Navigate Roadblocks to Speaking Your Truth

When you uncover truths through these questions, awareness sets in, which is always the first step to genuine transformation. Then you can ask your deeper self what your next steps are. Trust whatever comes through for you, even if it seems to be nothing at first. When you ask with the intention to KNOW what to do next, your next steps will arrive and often in a package you aren’t expecting. In other words, keep all your senses open to receive and pay attention to your intuition.

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The Power of Giving Up

The Power of Giving Up

Giving up led to a brand new kind of spiritual event (2 or 3 actually), all kinds of inspiration and new energy into my business, and the most awesome new venue for my drumming circle gatherings. More on that soon (she said cryptically lol). Here’s my process of giving up and how it turned into such amazing results…

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Your Winter Playlist – Music to Bring in the Light

Your Winter Playlist – Music to Bring in the Light

How about we lighten things up for you a little. I know one of the most powerful ways to uplift your mood is to listen to high vibe music, so I got this crazy idea to give you a Winter Playlist, which I’ve posted below. No big article this week. Just some uplifting, energizing healing songs for you, and 3 hot tips on how to work with winter energies…

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Sacred Playtime – How to Stop Missing the Boat on Life #TruthByBrenda

Sacred Playtime – How to Stop Missing the Boat on Life #TruthByBrenda

If you’re a high achiever, an entrepreneur, or you’re working at whatever job, or even if you’re retired but you love volunteering and helping out your friends and family…You NEED playtime in your life. Now, I’m not talking about work that is fun. That is still work. I love my business and it’s super fun for me, but it’s NOT what I mean by sacred playtime. What is sacred playtime?

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5 Tips to End Your Year with Power, Soul and Gratitude

5 Tips to End Your Year with Power, Soul and Gratitude

The end of the year can be a little stressful. The holidays can bring up all kinds of emotion. Trying to plan your next year can create even more stress. If your year has been a little (or a lot) rough, you can also end up feeling like a failure or just wishing for the year to be done. How about instead we end the year with some grace, no matter what, and give ourselves something we can look back on with gratitude?

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The Key to Living Your Purpose

The Key to Living Your Purpose

The one question I always get the most when I give oracle readings in my annual online gathering “The Power of Your Spiritual Calling event”… What is my purpose? Kind of like life, your purpose is not about the destination. It’s about the journey. The journey can help you define and refine your purpose. Here’s how this works…

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Waterfall Healing Song for Stress Relief

Waterfall Healing Song for Stress Relief

I was in Niagara Falls recently, speaking at a conference. I did a ton of research to find out more about the original peoples of that land and it turns out that the first two indigenous nations to live there are now extinct. I was asked to do a Land Acknowledgement and Welcome Song to open the conference. A Land Acknowledgement is how to show respect for the indigenous peoples of that land, as well as the land itself.

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