
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

How to Navigate Roadblocks to Speaking Your Truth

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Do you ever notice that your voice sounds or feels different, almost as if you have to navigate roadblocks to speaking your truth? Have you ever wanted to say something but felt like there was a lump in your throat or like your voice is in the back of your throat somewhere trying to get out? Speaking your truth is one of the most vulnerable things you can do, which is why it can feel so hard.

When something affects my ability to share my gifts or speak my truth, I pay attention. A LOT of attention. I check in with my body and ask questions. Sometimes the questions aren’t very nice or very helpful. Like “why oh why does this keep happening to me.” That’s when I know I need better questions.

Here’s What To Ask Yourself to Help You Find Your Voice:

  1. Have I ever felt silenced?
  2. What messages are bubbling up to stop me from speaking my truth or just sounding my voice?
  3. What truth might I be afraid of saying or living out loud?
  4. Remember a time when you used your voice to create positive change?

If you ask yourself the right questions, you can help yourself to find your voice. Becoming aware of the blocks in the way of finding your voice is the starting point to the journey towards sounding your voice with confidence, knowing your purpose, and being able to say what’s on your mind with confidence. Trust whatever your inner voice tells you, even if it seems to be nothing at first.

For example, when I first wrote this article, movement was happening towards 3 new business projects. I had been frustrated that it all hadn’t been moving more quickly, but Spirit stepped in to slow things down for a reason: to give me enough time to complete some time-consuming but absolutely necessary tasks to do with finding my voice for those projects.

If I hadn’t been paying attention to what’s happening with my voice, I wouldn’t have noticed I needed that extra time, or that I still had to complete some tasks I hadn’t thought about. Sometimes silence can be a gift.

When You Feel Blocked from Sounding Your Voice:

Sometimes when you’re feeling a big block in your throat chakra or you’re having a hard time finding your voice in a certain situation, it requires patience and a lot of self-compassion and self-care to release that block and sound your voice.

One of my mantras when I’m feeling blocked or moving through some blocks is “I am committed to loving myself through the process.” That means I am sounding my voice to help me sound my voice, you know? It’s a way to open up what I call your Gateway to Truth, or the Sacred Feminine Success Path. There is an inner pathway in your body that wants you to keep it open and clear, so you can sound your voice with power. When you open up that pathway and keep giving it love and compassion, it gets easier and easier to speak your truth, to feel confident and to express yourself creatively.

Your throat chakra is your truth centre.

Think of your voice like your fingerprints. No two are identical. That’s why your throat chakra is actually your truth centre. Only you, with your unique voice, can speak your truth. That’s why when I hear of organizations, government bodies or corporations say they are “giving a voice to” or “being the voice of” a marginalized group, I want them to step down and be quiet.

How can some group tell your story, or give advice based on your experience? They can’t. Only you can. It’s important for us to find our voices because all our voices are unique and yet when we come together in a good way and sound our voices together, we can become one voice. That’s the power of singing and drumming, which is what helped me the most to find my own voice.

Spiritual Expansion, Throat Problems and Your Voice

If you observe how your voice sounds and how your throat feels when you’re in situations where you need to use your voice, you might notice the connection between throat problems, your voice and spiritual expansion. When you notice the different patterns and qualities of your voice, it can help you to know what makes you feel silenced vs what makes you feel empowered and speak with your full voice.

Most of the blocks from full self-expression are in your throat chakra. Throat problems like colds, bronchitis, throat infections, thyroid issues or even just clearing your throat a lot are often indicators that you are on a bit of a deeper journey with your self-expression or your life purpose. Having throat issues doesn’t mean you can’t find your voice. It just means the door is open for you to do exactly that.

Observe Your Voice but Do Not Shame Yourself

Listen to your voice as if you are a researcher. I know it can feel confronting to really listen to your voice. Remember what I said about loving yourself through the process? Now’s a good time for that affirmation. If this step is hard for you, imagine the part of you that is observing your voice is full of love and care for you. Rather than giving attention to polarizing perspectives like good/bad or strong/weak, ask yourself what colour your voice sounds like, or what flavour it is. Ask yourself what patterns you notice and how your voice feels as you use it. Go beyond judgement and really open yourself to the raw beauty and power of your voice as it flows through you.

Noticing the different qualities of your voice in different situations can help you to realize when you are on the verge of a deeper form of self-expression and life purpose. For me to dive into a new, deeper expression of who I am, I ask my true self, my spirit, the question “What wants to be expressed through me right now?” So what wants to be expressed through YOU right now?

Say it like you mean it, and love yourself through the process.

Love & Blessings,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman



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About Brenda MacIntyre

About Brenda MacIntyre

Known by her indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her evocative melodic voice and fusion of reggae, rap and indigenous hand drum healing music with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America. The Toronto-based Juno Award-winning singer has been featured nationally on MuchMusic, CTV, CP24, APTN and most recently, Global and the front page of the Toronto Star.

Powered by her grief from losing her son to murder in 2016, Brenda MacIntyre pours her soulful voice over a confluence of indigenous hand drum healing, soft rap and conscious roots reggae in her album “Picking Up the Pieces,” released in September 2019.

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