One of the questions that I’m frequently asked is what do I do in the morning that makes my days turn out so amazing.
To give you the whole rundown would take a litttttle bit longer than a short blog post can provide… but I wanted to give you a look at what you can do to create your day more powerfully, so that if anything shows up to derail you, you will be able to get right back on track instead of wallowing in the mud and getting stuck in shame, blame, fear, trauma triggers or frustration.
POWER TIP #1: Consistency
Whatever your morning practice might include, DO IT EVERY DAY. Consistency is absolutely key. Of course what you’re actually doing consistently matters a LOT.
POWER TIP #2: Do something you love
Do something you love first thing in the morning as part of your practice. Just even 2 minutes of sacred self-expression, in your own unique way. You do this and I promise you, your life will begin to transform very quickly. For me, that’s singing. I created a special song to sing in the morning and I also now have a YouTube playlist of songs I love to sing. I sing along with that playlist every morning while I make my breakfast. What do you love to do that you can include in your morning practice?
POWER TIP #3: Write it down and put it in front of you
Put your morning practice into your calendar or on your fridge, somewhere you will see it. When you travel, have your “steps” of your morning practice readily available so you can do it on the plane, train, at the hotel, wherever. Okay, so if you’re singing, maybe you’re not doing that on a plane! But you might be able hum softly to yourself, and once you’re at your hotel, belt it out!
POWER TIP #4: State your intentions
Boldly state your intentions for your day. With feeling, faith and conviction! Giving voice to your intentions will help your brain and body to stay in alignment with how you really want to feel and what you want to experience in your day.
POWER TIP #5: Create sacred space
Before or even after you set your intentions, create sacred space. Set up some space that feels good for you to do your morning practice in. Find or create a space where you feel comfortable and safe to express yourself, where you won’t be distracted (unless you’re on a plane! Then you improvise!). Put some special/sacred items and perhaps some affirmations or reminders in your space that make you feel empowered.
POWER TIP #6: Don’t beat yourself up if you forget
Having sacred items and reminders in front of you can help you remember who you are and what you are intending to create in your life. You are human, so you are probably going to have some resistance when you first start your morning practice. Just recognize that and be gentle on yourself. If you slip up, get right back on track. If you forget to do your practice, do it as soon as you remember.
POWER TIP #7: Don’t overwhelm yourself
Don’t overwhelm yourself. That is a habit many of us can get into, especially with new concepts and practices or habits. We can tend to get super-excited about making change and dive right in – a little too much – and then it ends up being too much to handle and so we slip up, and then beat ourselves up for slipping up, and then quit. You know, like New Year’s resolutions. Don’t do that! Start SMALL. And then work your way up to what feels right for you. I have various lengths of morning practices, so that if I’m in a hurry, I won’t skip it, and if I have a lot of time, I’ll use it for a longer version of my morning practice.
One thing I know for sure is that if you create and consistently implement a powerful morning practice, you will become more successful, more energized (even on a crappy day!), much more fun to be around, and a lot happier, even if you carry trauma or grief.
Love & Blessings,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
- Want to dive right in and get some support? Head over here.
- Follow My Artist Account on Spotify.
- Follow my Global Pandemic Playlist on Spotify. The studio (CD, not live) version of the songs I sang in the livestreamed concert are also in this playlist.
- Follow the RENEWAL Playlist for springtime on Spotify