
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

What’s Your Magic Thread? (Mine’s Inside)

Identity & Purpose, Leadership | 0 comments

The tapestry of our lives includes not just gorgeous interwoven threads also tangles, knots and unraveling threads. One thing I know for sure is that we all have a magic thread.

Immersing yourself into an identity reclamation journey of finding your voice, connecting with your purpose and spirit, means you’re going to GROW.

You will weave much beauty into your life and along the way, you will do some things that don’t seem to fit or make sense at the time. You will piss people off. You will feel like giving up. And you will need to hold onto one magic thread that pulls it all together. That magic thread, when you pull on it, will bring you into alignment. Your magic thread will put you back on your path when you fall off. It will likely become something you’re known for, no matter how many changes you, your life or your work go through.

I keep hearing from people who have known me or been somehow part of my online or offline community over the years… and I heard it again at an event one night… “I just LOVE the new direction you’re going in now. It’s just so much more YOU.”

You know what? Yeah it is. Stepping down from presenting myself as a “business coach” and stepping up into a bigger version of being the healer, singer and spiritual mentor that I am – that’s the big change they’re talking about. And. The journey to get here has included a lot of different interwoven threads for me.

I needed to learn and move through the experiences and experiments of helping people with their businesses to discover that I actually have a big talent for helping clients to be gifted with their own personal healing technique as well as find their purpose.

I had to break through my own barriers, fears and doubts, and after my son died in 2016, I saw my own colonial brainwashing. I have been unraveling those threads to decolonize myself and how I show up.

At a mastermind business retreat in California I  was given the exercise of creating my own talk in way too short a time. I was frustrated as hell, mad at my coach for not giving me enough time to create properly, and totally stuck in my perfectionism.

In the middle of writing that talk, the next phase of teachings from the vision I had at the age of 7 came through. I had this big giant AHA moment and down came the spiritual download that led me to precisely into the direction I’m immersed in NOW.

In all of this, over the past 20ish years of being a serious business owner, you know what my magic thread has been?

It’s that no matter what form my business has taken, I am always doing 3 things:

1.    Helping women find their voice.
2.    Inspiring people.
3.    Singing.

And out of that, a 4th thing emerged after my son died. The healing work I do helps women with grief, trauma and chronic pain to improve their lives. I got another spiritual download of my Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon Program for women.

Everything good has widened and deepened through expanding and exploring the threads that connect with this new direction, like the fact that my childhood recurring vision has gifted me with what seems like infinite teachings. So even in my little foray where I was marketing myself as a business and marketing coach, the main thing I was doing for my clients was helping them find their voice, inspiring them and singing for them. And helping women with grief, trauma and chronic pain, my magic thread is still the same.

So why does this matter?

If I ever notice that I’m not doing one of those things as part of my work or life, then I know I’m going off path. If I notice anything other than these 4 things taking over, or I’m no longer doing as much of these 4 things, then I know I’m falling off my true path.

If on the other hand, I’m still doing these 4 things, I’ve got my foundation underneath me. I’m being me. I’m living my purpose.

So what’s your magic thread?

What is it that you are made of that never ever stops being a part of you?

What have people have always noticed about you?

What do you do now that you’ve always done in some way or another, that you could never stop doing? Or that you maybe did stop doing and it nearly killed your spirit to stop doing it?

One pull on that thread and it will bring everything else together.

Love & Blessings,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman



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About Brenda MacIntyre

About Brenda MacIntyre

Known by her indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her evocative melodic voice and fusion of reggae, rap and indigenous hand drum healing music with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America. The Toronto-based Juno Award-winning singer has been featured nationally on MuchMusic, CTV, CP24, APTN and most recently, Global and the front page of the Toronto Star.

Powered by her grief from losing her son to murder in 2016, Brenda MacIntyre pours her soulful voice over a confluence of indigenous hand drum healing, soft rap and conscious roots reggae in her album “Picking Up the Pieces,” released in September 2019.

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