

Picking Up the Pieces
13 Moon Program

community, connection & mindfulness practices for covid-conscious women


Get your free downloadable care package and SAVE when doors open:


You are COVID-conscious. 

You’re looking for safe harbour with women or non-binary folx like you, who are living with trauma, grief, chronic pain, Long Covid or just even the ongoing cognitive dissonance of following the science when everyone else seems to have abandoned it.

You know that even though most of society has decided COVID-19 is over, it isn’t anywhere near over.

You’re ready with an open heart and mind for something new that can light you up, help you feel lighter and get you some relief from the ongoing unrest.

You are Indigenous or an Indigenous ally and would love to experience Indigenous teachings, medicine songs and simple mindfulness practices in a virtual women’s circle every New and Full Moon.

This series of COVID-conscious women’s circles is not intended to be a cure for Long COVID or other chronic illnesses, but rather a way to help you feel connected to community and supported in living with whatever life experiences you may have. All circles are trauma-informed.

This program and group for COVID-conscious women will give you:

Feel Lighter

Being nonconformist can feel heavy and draining.

Our circles will help you feel lighter and get some of your energy back.

Trauma Care Tools

Instead of getting stuck in fight, flight, freeze or fawn, you’ll have tools and simple practices that can ground you and stop those upward or downward spirals.

Trauma-Informed Sessions

Indigenous Cultural Competency and Trauma Informed Training Digital Badge (Certificate) awarded to Brenda MacIntyre on October 24, 2024 by GLENDON Continuing Education, York University

Get Relief

Instead of letting stress, overwhelm or frustration take over, you’ll be able to activate your creativity, think more clearly and come up with empowering solutions.

The Capacity to Hold Space Powerfully

You’ll feel a growing sense of inner strength and an ability to facilitate peace and alleviate fear in yourself but also in others.

Deep Self-Awareness and Connection

Colonization and gaslighting only work on people when they disconnect from the human spirit. Let’s connect.

Join us to Get Started with:

  • Be in circle with open-minded, open-hearted COVID-cautious women and non-binary folx just like you who care about our planet and want the best for humanity.
  • Grow your ability to handle and respond to difficult situations with more grace and calm.
  • Embody what you learn, through LIVE interactive experiential classes.
  • Develop and maintain healthy boundaries.
  • Release pent-up emotion in ways that are fun, freeing and fulfilling.
  • Enjoy live music and learn how it can move you, connect you and help you find relief. Grieve your losses, whether it’s the loss of a job, business, home, lifestyle, loved one or the losses underneath it all: how things used to be, might’ve been and can no longer be.

The Classes:

NEW for 2024-2025: We used to split the program into “seasons” and open the doors 4x/year. This time when you register, you’ll be joining for the year. Payment plans are available.


SEASON 1: December 3, 2024 to February 12, 2025

1. Gotta Be Me: How to Believe in Yourself Enough to Be You
It sucks to feel like you can’t just say what’s really on your mind or do what your heart and soul are hungry for or just relax into being yourself on all levels. When you’re truly being you, you feel alive, energized, powerful and free. You’re going to spend your time in this class (and whole program) creating more and more space and freedom within yourself and your relationships, simply by implementing the practices and listening to great conscious music.

2. Feels Like Sunshine: What to Do When Life’s Lemons are Too Rotten for Lemonade
The 2020s just keep on delivering, whether it’s the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, terrifying weather, out of control fires, devastating loss of lives, racism or nasty politics. This class will be one to revisit anytime you’re overwhelmed with inner or outer turmoil.

3. Everything I Need: How to Tap into Hidden Resources & Abundance
The foundation of society as we knew it is falling, which has created a lot of instability. We just don’t know what’s coming next. But we know what is here now, in the moment. You will learn and embody how to tap into the unbelievable wealth of resources you have at your fingertips, so you know the exact steps to take when you’re in crisis or having a hard time, to bring you back to a grounded state of presence and power.


***The schedule is not set in stone but will always be afternoons or early evenings in Eastern time. We do our best to accommodate different schedules and time zones.


SEASON 2: February 28 to May 14, 2025 

4. Breath of Life: Breathing Practices for Reclaiming Your Life Force After Loss or Trauma
All of this upheaval and the disruption of our everyday lives – and the cause of it – literally takes your breath away, and not in a good way. We will practice allowing our breath to be our teacher and our body to be the vessel. You will learn how to use the power of your breath to alleviate pain, anxiety and fear, while infusing yourself with access to higher states of consciousness.

5. Nothing but Love: The Gift of Falling Apart
Most of us have been holding onto all kinds of energy, emotions, beliefs and habits that can contribute to existing pain, heaviness, lack of sleep, loneliness, anxiety and frustration. We are programmed by mainstream society to “keep it together” and “just move on” when it is the opposite that can restore us to who we are. You’ll tap into and soak up that sense of reclamation, while releasing layers of grief.

6. I Love You: How to Sustain and Grow Your Self-Compassion
If you tend to be hard on yourself, what if instead your automatic response was to give yourself love and encouragement? With all the gaslighting and cognitive dissonance surrounding us, we need to keep filling up on self-love, truth and compassion for ourselves, which will allow us to give that gift to others. We also need to keep reminding the parts of our brains that want to keep us safe that the way to do that is NOT to follow the herd of mainstream society. This class will help us to circle back and bring the same level of compassion and care we have for community and humanity to ourselves.


***The schedule is not set in stone but will always be afternoons or early evenings in Eastern time. We do our best to accommodate different schedules and time zones.


SEASON 3: May 27 to July 24, 2025 

7. Picking Up the Pieces: How to Start Over in the Midst of Grief or Chaos
It’s unsettling to try to get a fresh start when there’s no way to know if your plans will be squashed yet again. This class will show you how to start picking up the pieces of your life even while we’re still in this or other pandemics. You don’t have to wait and you don’t have to do it all at once. I’ve been picking up the pieces of my life ever since the shock wore off after my son died, and I’ve been applying the same principles and techniques to my life in the 2020s. I’ll show you how.

8. Healing Song: How to Hold Space for Yourself & Loved Ones in Times of Chaos
When you deepen your ability to be present for YOU, you become more effective at being there for others. For those moments when you’re internally screaming or desperate to make a loved one’s pain go away, you will learn how to help yourself and them without overstepping your or their boundaries.

9. Grieve: Tapping into the Spiritual Medicine of Grief
We have all had losses. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, a pet, a job, a relationship, your career or the life you once had, you’ve been carrying grief. Society has trained us to sweep grief under the rug, and then that grief can get stuck in the body and even inform our decisions and well-being. You’ll learn how to be present with grief and tap into the medicine it has for you, without the overwhelm of feeling it all at once.


***The schedule is not set in stone but will always be afternoons or early evenings in Eastern time. We do our best to accommodate different schedules and time zones.


SEASON 4: August 1 to December 4, 2025

10. Missing You Memorial Song: Honouring & Connecting with Our Ancestors
Whatever or whoever you’ve lost during this global Dark Night of the Soul, we will spend time together in circle, connecting with ourselves and our ancestors. You will receive new ways to honour your memory of lost loved ones, lost lifestyle and other losses.

11. Love Is All that Matters: How to Cultivate Love in a State of Grief
It is a lie that love and fear can’t exist together. You’ll learn how to evoke feelings of love, gratitude and other feel-good emotional states, while still feeling whatever other emotions come up. It’s not about lying to yourself or fixing your emotions. You’ll be able to allow different emotional states to exist and flow simultaneously, which allows for true emotional alchemy. In other words, you can trigger more feel-good moments even when things are going sideways.

12. Life After Loss Lullabye: How to Move Gently through the Impact and Aftermath of Loss and Tap into the Life Within You
This pandemic may be with us for several more years with denial, corruption and serious inequities ongoing. We know we’re on shaky ground with public healthcare becoming political wealthcare. Nothing can remedy the lack of basic needs or appropriate healthcare, but we all can learn new ways to be with grief from personal loss and the ongoing grief of this pandemic. I don’t say this lightly, having lost both my parents as a teen and my son in 2016.

13. Living Past the Limits: Where Do We Go from Here? Holding Space for It All
I know it may seem like there are vast limitations in these strange times (because it’s true), so in our final Full Moon class, let’s lift ourselves and each other up. You will learn how to tap into the tons of resilience you have cultivated, and expand your capacity for hope and determination to help you keep on going.


***The schedule is not set in stone but will always be afternoons or early evenings in Eastern time. We do our best to accommodate different schedules and time zones.

You were born into this time to help humanity and
Mother Earth. Let’s gather together to help each other through.

The Northern Lights in London Ontario October 2024 by Brenda MacIntyre

“I have got to the root of my grief, which began before my physical life on this earth by losing my twin in womb. At no one’s fault, my self belief at a VERY early age was that love comes with loss, conditioning me to live fear-based these past 4 decades.

Add on life experienced trauma and it can quickly take over. Through Brenda’s teachings I am healing these old beliefs and in turn am healing my children and even generational trauma at that. Having non-verbal twins has also been a HUGE trigger for past trauma but again, with support we keep moving forward.

Since I joined Brenda MacIntyre’s Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon Program, my perspective on everything has shifted. Speak, heal , love and listen from the heart. You can’t go wrong.

Participating in this program gives me the feeling of belonging and connection.”

Andrea Faerberboeck

I needed relief from the loneliness. In your programs I do not feel as if I am the only ultra-sensitive weirdo on the planet. I also do not want to be so shy about my singing.

Since joining the Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon program, my voice is stronger and I am way less shy about speaking online. I feel a new sense of hopefulness and calm.

All feelings of sisterhood like this circle are very special for me (I was the only girl in my family). My favourite moments during teachings are when Brenda contacts the Grandmothers and there are Thunderbirds swooping around.

Now I feel like I am not alone. I know there are many other people who feel like me and we are powerful. I keep reminding myself that when I relax and go with the flow everything works out perfectly.

Cecilia Booth


What’s in the Picking Up the Pieces Virtual Program

45 Virtual Gatherings over 13 Moons:

13 New Moon Ceremonies

13 Full Moon Classes with Musical Mindfulness Practices

13 Songs for Grief from Brenda’s Picking Up the Pieces Album

PLUS 19 Bonus Sessions


Each Full Moon Class Includes:

Musical mindfulness Teachings

Each medicine song we focus on during class has its own basic teachings, which are in the eBook you will get with this program. You will take a deeper dive into select teachings and implement them via song-related mindfulness activities. You will also receive teachings straight from Spirit, through Brenda.

full moon teachings

Decolonize your connection to nature, time and yourself, via Indigenous teachings about the 13 Moons.

Live Music Performance

Brenda will always sing at least one medicine song for you in each class, along with a mindfulness activity. Some classes will have more than one live “performance” but you will see that Brenda’s music is more of a call to your spirit than a performance.

“I have been working on trying to manage stress, slow down and be present.

Being part of the Picking Up the Pieces program helps me feel much more grounded and calmer in my day to day life. I use Brenda’s music and recorded sessions to calm myself or ground between sessions.

Since I joined the program, my stress and past trauma are no longer controlling me and my responses to others. I have begun to connect with myself and my elders. This has opened up the walls I held prior.

The teachings and songs are absolutely my favorite part of the course. Brenda is amazing and I hope to work with her again. The bonus classes have been fun too.

I know this course has been the foundation I hope to work on for as long as I can. The things I have learned will help me in the future to remain true to myself.

Ashley Meade

How will this COVID-conscious women’s group play out?

Every Full Moon, you’ll learn and experience accessible practices and an unrecorded sharing circle before and after. You’ll get a gentle meditative sound journey bookended by short sharing circle every New Moon. Bonus sessions will happen in between to keep you uplifted. This series of circles will provide ongoing supportive practices that you can easily fit into your daily routine.

Here’s everything in a nutshell:

FULL YEAR – 2024-2025 SOLD OUT

December 3rd, 2024 to December 4th, 2025

13 Moon Cycles

  • 13 Live Interactive Classes on or near the Full Moon
  • 13 Live New Moon Ceremonies for renewal and relaxation
  • Picking Up the Pieces Digital CD (downloadable mp3s)
  • Picking Up the Pieces eBook, with song lyrics, activities and teachings
  • *Video Replays
  • Activities Set to Conscious Live Music in Every Class
  • Sharing Circles Before/After Each New and Full Moon Session
  • BONUS #1: Sacred Self-Care Kit Creation Workshop to help with anxiety, trauma, boundaries, breaking old patterns and creating new ones
  • BONUS #2: Honouring Our Ancestors Workshop
  • BONUS #3: 4 Embodiment & Sharing Circles
  • BONUS #4: 13 Full Moon Healing Circles

*Replays are given for all New and Full Moon sessions and some bonus sessions. Embodiment & Sharing Circles, and the sharing circles before and after other sessions are not recorded, for your privacy and security.

The Picking up the pieces program was truly transformational for me. It gave me the courage to move through necessary major life changes that I had been avoiding to do on my own out of fear. I feel empowered now as I’m in a better place now. Thank you Brenda❤️

Stephanie, México


You will learn how to:

  • Grow and tap into your resilience
  • Be present for conflicting emotions
  • Be grounded in the midst of chaos
  • Find your way through the 2020s 
  • Hold space for yourself and others
  • Speak and take action from the heart
  • Maintain your boundaries
  • Regain and reinforce your sense of belonging and self-validation
      Brenda MacIntyre at the mic wearing a white shawl and Vflex N95 mask

      100% GUARANTEE

      These practices work when you work them. If you attend all the sessions or watch all the replays, and implement what is shared with you, and you don’t see improvement in how you’re managing life during these bizarre times, you will receive a full refund.

      The program content is intentionally super light, fun, inspiring and uplifting, so that you can be with the heaviness, while feeling supported and connected to community. The most soul-satisfying part? The community. You’ll be in community with like-minded, like-hearted COVID-conscious women and non-binary folx who get you and hold space for each other, instead of going it alone. Like I was told in a vision about 10 years ago, while the foundation is crumbling, we get to “rise up underneath it all.”


      Get your free downloadable care package and SAVE when doors open:

      “Through her amazing speaking and singing, Brenda has the unique ability to offer genuine wisdom through her teachings. I always look forward to her healing circles and joining her close-knit community – if it’s been a long week or day, I know that her circles will help me to reset and reframe, and I always leave refreshed!”

      Katie, Toronto, Ontario

      Still not sure?

      What if I've missed one or more sessions? Is it still okay to join?

      For 2024-2025, we are closing the doors for the (13 moon) year once we start in December 2024. This program is designed so that while results are cumulative from practicing the practices, you can start from wherever you are. Each circle is connected to the others but can stand on its own as a single workshop. You will get the recordings of most missed sessions.

      What does "covid-conscious" mean?

      You know that COVID-19 is airborne and still in a pandemic. You practice community care and self-care by using layers of protection to protect you and others who may be vulnerable (N95, KN95, elastomeric, ventilation, HEPA, CR-Box, avoiding indoor public spaces etc.). 

      Is there a payment plan?

      You can request a payment plan if paying in full is a barrier for you. It’s part of the application form.

      What if I can’t do the exercises?

      You can! This program is designed by an introverted mom with social anxiety, chronic pain, Long COVID and CPTSD. We will find ways together to honour our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits and only do things in ways that are accessible to us. I know what it’s like to avoid exercise classes because you have to modify so many movements, or because you know you’ll pay for it later in pain. I know what it’s like to feel confused, not knowing what to do (you’ll find out that’s the most powerful place to be). 

      I don’t know if i can afford it.

      The investment is purposely a small fraction of the usual investment for my women’s programs, and I understand everyone’s situation is different. If you deeply resonate with this program, and you are budget-challenged, fill out the application form and we will see what we can do. 

      Will you be recording the sessions?

      The teaching, practices, ceremony and performances will be recorded. The sharing circles at the beginning and end of our classes and in some of our bonus sessions will NOT be recorded, for your privacy. You will receive access to all replays. This way, if you’re in a far away time zone or you just can’t make some of the sessions, you can enjoy them later.

      Do I need to be Indigenous to join?

      Nope. ALL who identify as covid-conscious women or non-binary people are welcome in this program.

      What if I’m not sure it’s the right time for me to start something new?

      For now we only open the program once a year. Please honour your intuition and your capacity. If you join, you will be able to download all course materials including the replays for most sessions, so you can watch or rewatch anytime, and carry the wisdom in your body for the rest of your life.

      How much work will be involved in implementing the program?

      The learning modules are only about once a month (once a Moon) so that you have time and space to insert them into your everyday life. Using the practices will fit into your life naturally and serve you all the way through this pandemic and beyond. Designed by a disabled Indigenous woman with Long COVID, to be inclusive for people who need to limit movement or energy output.

      How long before I see results?

      You will see results in our first New Moon & Welcoming Circle, every learning module and every session after that. Your results will be cumulative because you will not only be learning but implementing the practices right along with your facilitator. Even if you miss sessions, you can jump right into the next one without missing a beat. You will have plenty of time to build new habits, tap into your inner, outer and higher resources, and bring the teachings into body memory and the brain.

      I’m not really that spiritual. Is this program for me?

      I am neurodivergent, I respect scientific evidence and I follow a deeply spiritual and traditional Indigenous path. That all spills out into what and how I teach, hold space and show up in circle and it is designed to be accessible and open to all spiritual or non-spiritual people.

      We aren’t debating the reality that COVID is still here. My work is not about indoctrinating people into a religious or spiritual path. We are gathering together to remember WE are still here and we can walk our own path with the support of like-minded sisters.

      Promo Code? Copy paste it into your application.

      DOORS OPEN SOON FOR 2024-2025

      Get your free downloadable care package and SAVE when doors open:

      Here’s the thing. Due to my own grief, trauma and healing journey in the Before Times, I already knew how to get through the trauma of a pandemic, plus the aftermath. I just didn’t know it until we were in it.

      The loneliness, times of isolation, waves of grief, anxiety, trauma, walking on eggshells and just wishing it would all STOP. The constant gaslighting from authority figures. That feeling of wondering what’s going to happen next. Feeling like you’re living in the Groundhog Day movie. The endless trolls and lies. Feeling unsafe. Having plans completely trashed at the last minute.

      I went through all of that from 2016-2019 after losing my son. This program contains what I learned and what Spirit gave me to help myself and other women get through sudden loss and change. It also includes what I have learned as a person with Long COVID and other disabilities.

      My healing journey that began in 1996 prepared me for everything else, so now I am here to help.


      Known by her Indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her melodic mesmerizing voice, healing music, and spiritual teachings with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America and thousands online. Adopted at birth in Calgary in the 60s, Brenda has Cree and Ojibwe ancestry with Red River roots through her father, and settler ancestry through both parents. She is on a reconnecting and identity reclamation journey.

      Brenda’s personal mentoring helps covid-conscious women to find their voice and improve their lives, businesses and careers. Her keynotes, workshops, and Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon Program help women to get through trauma, grief, and exhaustion while embodying resilience and reawakening to the gifts they carry.

      DISCLAIMER: *Please note that none of these sessions are intended to replace medical treatments or prescriptions by your licensed medical practitioner (i.e. family doctor or therapist). Brenda MacIntyre is a trauma-informed mentor and facilitator and not a counselor, therapist or licensed medical doctor. Brenda strongly recommends that you continue consulting with a medical professional(s) you are comfortable with. If emotional issues come up to be cleared, Brenda recommends that you seek professional counseling. Actual Results of private and group sessions vary.

      © 2025 Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
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