I just want to invite you to take a moment to BREATHE.
Before you register for the Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon program (or a season of 3 or 4 Moons), please read this.
I know what it’s like to take a leap into something new when you’re already out on a limb and it feels like your whole world has been stripped away. I get how exhausting and demoralizing it can be to witness the shit show that is going on under our noses. Consider the Picking Up the Pieces program both a respite from all that and a space to receive validation and support with coping and improving your life.
If you’ve worked with me before, and you are covid-conscious, you probably know if this is for you. If your intuition is practically signing up for you, then go for it. But if you’re not sure yet, take a breath, go back to the invitation page and feel it out for yourself. I know it’s a lot to read but that’s because we have a lot to offer.
In case you’re new to me, I am a disabled Indigenous mom to a son in the spirit world and a daughter who is also a covid-conscious woman (whew!). I have been gaslit all my life, having had my Indigenous identity ripped out from under me at birth. I am here doing my part to help make the world a better, safer place for all of us and our next 7 generations, and to honour my Ancestors who got me here. Women’s circles, singing, drumming and working with Spirit and healing energy are my jam. I also geek out on COVID-19 facts. Whether you are all-in on the “woo” or just dipping a toe into your own sense of spirituality or life path, or you’re just curious about new ways to help you cope and manage grief, loneliness, trauma or pain, this circle is here for you.
If it feels like this is going to be great for you, then I can’t wait to have you in the circle. If not, then I hope you’ll find exactly the experience you need and find your way to flow through these times that are putting us through so much.
You’ll notice on the invitation page there is a FAQ that might answer any questions you might have.
If you still have questions and no capacity to read anything more, just drop me an email at my CONTACT PAGE and I’m happy to help.
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August 1 to november 15, 2024
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Here’s how you can tell if you’ll be in the right place…
- You’re already asking yourself, “How is this even a question?” Trust yourself and get yourself in!
- You follow the facts around COVID-19 to keep yourself and others safe, and you have respect for Mother Earth and Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
- You love music and hand drumming.
- You are teachable. Trust me, my inner know-it-all would love to run the show but that would keep me from learning anything new. All that inner know-it-all wants is to show off how “right” it is. If you can come with an open mind and heart, you will learn and receive so much more.
- You’re okay with being on zoom for virtual group sessions (we will have password-protected classes, we take security and your privacy seriously, and being on camera is always optional).
- You’re willing to go to your edge of your (dis)comfort zone to try new things.
- You’ve been looking for a safe way to connect with other covid-conscious women and can’t always (or ever) get out to meet new people.
- You’re okay with spontaneous laughing, crying, singing, dancing, creating, swearing (where is that *^@# swear jar anyway?!) and just plain relaxing.
- You agree to the 7 Sacred (Grandfather/Grandmother) Teachings, which are our main group guidelines: Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility and Wisdom.
- You might even be totally nervous about taking this program, but you can feel yourself being called to it.
Who it’s not for:
- If you cringe at the thought of wearing a mask in indoor public spaces or around vulnerable loved ones, if you don’t care about indoor air quality and you believe COVID-19 either never existed or is over, this is not for you.
- If you are grasping at straws for a quick fix, this is not it. This is a doorway for you to access more of your own wisdom, and to connect not only with other amazing women like you, but with YOU – your body, mind, emotions and spirit. You will need to show up for yourself and do the practices to open that doorway. That’s why the practices are designed to fit into your daily routine and to be relatively easy to do.
- If you have clinical depression, trauma or grief so deep that you require counselling: This program might still be for you but check with your counsellor, therapist and/or medical professionals first. This is NOT a grief counselling workshop. I am not a counsellor. I will take you through the practices and music that have helped me to get through losing my son to murder, attending the trial,developing chronic pain and C-PTSD, and then getting OG Covid – all in 2018-2019.
- If you’d rather “pull yourself together” and “move on” like colonization teaches us to do, this is not for you. Your grief is going to come up so that it can become less difficult to live with. Grief and trauma experiences are different with each person and each loss. Pulling yourself together and moving on before you’re ready are just defense mechanisms that get in the way of true healing. If you want to stuff your feelings, this program won’t be good for you. Your emotions and pain are welcome here and you should get some relief from it when we hold circle.
- If you don’t enjoy hand drumming and Indigenous music, this might not be for you. I will be singing and drumming for you every session! FYI Drumming along (and having a drum) is always optional.
- If you are a man: I have designed this program for those who identify as covid-conscious women, 2-Spirit or non-binary.
Here’s the thing…
I care about you and the people in my circles and groups. I know Spirit brings in exactly who is meant to be there every time. Even when someone can’t make it to sessions for a while, they are always welcomed right back in by all when they can join.
The BEST circles and groups are the ones where the people have been called in. You get there and you’re like, “where have you been all my life?!” That’s the feeling I hope you will have in this circle and that I have witnessed in so many of the women over the past 3 years.
Are you in?

© 2025 Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
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