by Brenda MacIntyre | Jan 11, 2021 | Resilience
So here we are, still in a pandemic, with crazy politics, racism and other painful pieces of this planetary shift. And. We need to LIVE. How do you make a year plan when there’s so much chaos? It’s like Mother Earth is having an identity crisis, and we’re coming along...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Sep 3, 2018 | Identity & Purpose
Do you ever notice that your voice sounds or feels different, almost as if you have to navigate roadblocks to speaking your truth? Have you ever wanted to say something but felt like there was a lump in your throat or like your voice is in the back of your throat...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Feb 5, 2018 | Mental Health
Depending on where you live, winter can really bring down a person’s energy. We have less sunlight here in Canada. It often feels a lot better to get cozy and warm inside than to brave the cold and risk slipping on the ice. With lack of sunlight and less activity, you...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Jan 9, 2018 | Mental Health
Can you believe I have to write an article on the importance of playtime? When we were kids, of course we knew how to play. It came naturally to us. If you’re not doing sacred playtime, you’re missing the boat on life. If you’re a high achiever, an entrepreneur, or...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Nov 1, 2017 | Identity & Purpose
The one question I always get the most when I give oracle readings in my annual online gathering “The Power of Your Spiritual Calling event”… What is my purpose? Kind of like life, your purpose is not about the destination. It’s about the journey. The journey can help...
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