by Brenda MacIntyre | May 2, 2017 | Resilience
I’ve got enough strikes against me in life that it actually does blow my own mind sometimes that I’m still going, that I have never given up and that I have found ways to bring joy into my life. I was bullied growing up, both my parents died when I was a teenager,...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Sep 22, 2014 | Leadership
I can’t count how many wonderful women healers I talk to who are just not getting what they want. They’re frustrated with hitting a wall every time they try to step into more of their power in their business, or step up to the next level, and they’re...
by Brenda MacIntyre | Sep 26, 2012 | Leadership
A while ago, one of my clients was struggling – and while we all have our uniqueness, this was a struggle I hear a lot. I came up with an acronym based on the simplest and most useful advice I give my clients all the time: Just B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Be radiant...
by Brenda MacIntyre | May 30, 2012 | Leadership
One of the questions that I’m frequently asked is what do I do in the morning that makes my days turn out so amazing. To give you the whole rundown would take a litttttle bit longer than a short blog post can provide… but I wanted to give you a look at...
by Brenda MacIntyre | May 23, 2012 | Leadership
It was my absolute honour to sing an honour song at a celebration of the life of Canadian Music Industry legend, Billy Bryans, who passed away of lung cancer after a legendary musical career. Billy Bryans co-founded The Parachute Club, a famous 80’s band in...
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