One-on-One Sessions with
Medicine Song Woman
What if just 75-90 minutes of your time could help you get a good night’s sleep, improve your career or business, or handle a big transition with more ease?

If ANY of the following are weighing you down, Brenda MacIntyre has your back:
I’m going through a major life transition.
I feel like I’m lost in a sea of grief.
Why am I so exhausted and drained?
I feel stuck and don’t know why.
I think I’m having an identity crisis.
One-on-One sessions with Brenda MacIntyre can provide pain relief, a better sleep, release of pent-up energy, and clarity on how to move forward in a transition. You will receive personalized teachings, guidance and information to help you make big decisions with more confidence.
It’s not life coaching. It’s not Reiki. It’s definitely not therapy, though this work is trauma-informed. Brenda will work with sound, energy and her drum in your first session while you relax at home. For your 2nd session in this bundle, you will meet with her over zoom for a short mentoring session 1-3 weeks later.
Working with Brenda will help you to understand more about who you are and what you are going through, and it all starts with a personal song recorded just for you.
Client Experiences in Their Own Words:
“I feel much more confident about my life and business now.” Trilby D. Johnson, Body-Brain Reformer,
“I had been having trouble sleeping since I made the decision to separate with my ex and step into the role of single mom, because there have been so many thoughts/emotions/energies blocked up in my head/crown area. I had also been collecting an extra amount of stress and tension around my shoulders, neck, jaw, face and head in the past couple of months. The healing is immense, to say the least. I don’t think there is a word big enough to encompass the feelings you have helped shift and crack open. I felt the healing work right away. Pains and discomfort where I hold most of my tension became heightened as they began to move with energy. It only took about 10 minutes or so before all this discomfort transformed into feeling of bliss and light and weightlessness. It was such a feeling of relief.” Gwenith
“The information and inspiration you offered was more than just useful; it is helping get my priorities straight on where I need to go in order to lead a truly fulfilling career. You also made it look possible, even from where I am at in this present time as I’m getting back on my feet.”
– Suzanne Kilgore
Here’s what you get in a One-on-One Session Bundle
with Brenda MacIntyre:
Recorded Personal Healing Song
With your first session, Brenda spontaneously pours out a new, unique healing song especially for you. You get the downloadable audio recording.
Recorded Energy Reading
As Brenda works with healing energy and sound for you, she receives information about you that she shares with you. You get a downloadable recording of what Brenda receives for you.
Release and Relief
Many people experience goosebumps, tingling sensations, visions, relaxation and/or a boost of energy as their session happens, even though it’s by distance, and even if you’re not a spiritual person. When you listen to your recorded song and reading afterwards, you may get even more relief, “aha’s” about you, or information about your Ancestors, your life or your career.
Bonus Exclusive 1 Hour Guided Meditation
Since your first session – a Medicine Song Healing & Reading – is done by distance while you relax at home, Brenda created a one hour meditation to walk you through what is happening during your session, and to help you feel grounded and know when the session is over. You will also hear the soothing sounds of a little creek Brenda recorded in northern Ontario.
15-30 Minute Mentoring Session
You’ll get spiritual and practical guidance and answers to any questions you might have about your first session and your recordings from Brenda. We will meet over Zoom.
One-on-one session bundle
Questions? Looking for more intensive personal support?

One-on-One Sessions with Medicine Song Woman Brenda MacIntyre provide unique results for each person.
Here’s what happened for a few more of our clients:
“I have Seasonal Affected Disorder & am prone to get “blue” in the dark months. (That’s half the year up here.) And I often get caught up in unnecessary worry & being very serious. Brenda & her spirit helpers knew how to “free” me.
Within days I felt new energy inhabit me & the “old” good energy was released, woken up. Now I am able to banish dark thoughts from my mind & decide what needs my attention with less procrastination. For instance at work I do things with the “right” energy – not rushed, not dawdling.
It’s confidence. And I feel totally “in” my skin, who I am & even what I wear is OK (a BIG change for me). Brenda helped me find the “zone” where I’m totally content to just be. It’s a spiritual “area” where I’m non-judgemental, accepting & aware of the natural world around me.
I feel I’ve moved forward spiritually; And of course that affects what I do, my frame of mind & thoughts, people I interact with. I live here, now.”
– Marita Hollo, Yellowknife
“I’ve had a bit of a rough couple of days, which I feel is related to me bringing up some things I need/want to let go of in order to move forward with my intentions. I know your healing energy is helping me with that. I loved reading what you had to say! I don’t know if I mentioned this, but I’m 6 mos pregnant. I wonder if that has something to do with the sparkles you were seeing? That was my first thought when I read your words – that it was a message from the baby.
I definitely had a lot of blocked energy in my head just prior to the session. There was a lot of stuck energy there that I could feel as heavy pressure. Again, I think I brought that up for release. And I definitely felt relief after the session was over.
I can also clearly see how the heart chakra comes into play here, as it relates to my intentions to be more heart centered with my children, and for my work. It was interesting to read your words around this as I hadn’t quite framed it that way myself, but immediately recognized it upon reading.
I listened to the recording today and it was very soothing. I love hearing you sing! Such beauty, and such a strong healing energy. Your work is lovely, and I feel blessed to have something directed specifically at me.”
– Melanie, Mississauga Canada
“My greatest challenge area was being in alignment with my true soul path, clearing away old thinking and a tendency to give to others before myself, and manifesting the desired abundance into my life. I had more compassion for others than myself.
The experience working with Brenda was peaceful and powerful. I felt the healing happen during our recent healing & intuitive reading session, as well as continuing on after the session. It was wonderful to have the recording to go back to to hear the beautiful voice and healing words.
I have been empowered, and I feel more in alignment with my true self. I am not as afraid to be who I truly am, a healer, a mother, a women who can be empowered and in her passion.
I am currently seeking a transition from my ‘day job’ as an office manager, and I’m beginning my healing and service career as a Reiki teacher and practioner. I also am getting ready to get my crystal jewelry online for sale.”
– Brandy Jones
“As your song started, a very loud flute started as well and played throughout, even drowning out your voice and the drum. I could not hear the end of the recording for the drum.
At the first, for a couple of minutes, I was disappointed. Then I just let go and as things progressed I had a very good cry. I then put it to a CD and when I listened to it then, no flute!! I listened to it on the computer… no flute!!!
I think I may have had an amazing visit from a special guide who came & was present here! Could that be? I am so grateful! I will use the recording a lot!”
– Pat Topal
“”Hi Brenda, Just wanted to let you know that was the most awesome healing I have ever, ever had! WOW!!! And I have yet to to read my e-mail when you send it and can imagine what that will bring. And already have been feeling healing. I could feel tingling throughout my whole body. My left leg would move like it was shaping itself. Pain came in my arms where I have had lots of pain and is now gone. I just feel like a new woman!“
– Marion
About Brenda MacIntyre,
Medicine Song Woman
Tansi, Boozhoo! Maskikinikamon iskwew nitisiyihkason. Calgary ohci neya. Just saying greetings in Cree. I also said my name is Medicine Song Woman and I was born in Calgary. I have settler ancestry through both biological parents, and Cree and Ojibwe ancestry with Red River roots through my biological father, whom I never got to meet.
Music and Spirit were my first languages. I was adopted at birth and raised by white parents who both died before I was 18. I moved to Toronto, where I became an award-winning singer. Now I live in the area of Deshkanziibiing (“Antler River” in Ojibwe language) in what is colonially known as London Ontario.
When I was just beginning my healing journey after losing my parents, a Navajo medicine woman told me I’m a healer after doing a healing ceremony for me. It was hard for me to accept that.
10 years later, after an incredibly challenging winter, I was exasperated and said out loud – alone in my apartment – “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” I heard a voice say “gather the people together,” and I received what I can only call a spiritual download of a special way to work with sound and energy to help people. Shortly after, I received my Indigenous name Medicine Song Woman in a ceremony with a beloved Cree elder, Grandmother Joanne Dallaire.
Over the years, I have helped people connect to their ancestors, get pain relief and receive unusual insights to help them in their lives.
Every experience is unique but the majority of my clients have had an amazing sleep after each session.
DISCLAIMER: *Please note that none of these sessions are intended to replace medical treatments or prescriptions by your licensed medical practitioner (i.e. family doctor or therapist). Brenda MacIntyre is a trauma-informed, COVID-conscious personal mentor who works with healing energy and sound. She is not a counselor or licensed medical doctor. Brenda strongly recommends that you continue consulting with your medical professional(s). If emotional issues come up to be cleared, Brenda recommends that you seek professional counseling or therapy. Actual Results of healing sessions vary, which is why we provide various client testimonials with different kinds of results.