
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

#TruthByBrenda Posts

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How to Get Back on Track when You’re Off the Rails #TruthbyBrenda

How to Get Back on Track when You’re Off the Rails #TruthbyBrenda

I’ve had things go a little bit wrong, like everyone else, all the way to large scale off the map f*d up, like losing my mother to suicide or losing my son to murder. When things aren’t going quite the way you hoped, here’s what you can do. HOT TIP: Observe your own process – past and present – when you are or have been able to get through hard times. That’s how I’m able to bring you this article…

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Decision-Making Map

Decision-Making Map

Making decisions is just not an easy thing to do for most of us, and the bigger the decision, or the higher the impact on us and/or the world, the harder it can be to make. The problem for spiritual edge-walkers like you is, you’re doing your best to make holistic decisions, not just from your heart and soul, but from your head and physical body as well. You’re getting pulled in a million directions! Here is my decision-making process…

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How I got a Miracle Healing from a River (true story)

How I got a Miracle Healing from a River (true story)

I was doing a Twitter Live broadcast that started out with me just standing in the river. Once I arrived at the tree, I channelled a medicine song. When I left the river, my back and hip were healed. I don’t really know the whole reason why I’ve had miracle healings or why other people do, but I know that when this kind of healing has happened for me, it’s ALWAYS been when I was…

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The Healing Power of Indigenous Medicine Songs

The Healing Power of Indigenous Medicine Songs

Indigenous medicine songs hold boundless healing power. They can relieve or sometimes even completely release pain or health conditions. They can uplift you, energize you, calm you, soothe you or help you to remember who we are. They can take you on a spiritual journey or ground you and bring you back into our body. Why are these songs so powerful and healing?

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How to Create Sparks of Joy in Difficult Times #TruthbyBrenda

How to Create Sparks of Joy in Difficult Times #TruthbyBrenda

If anyone should’ve given up a long time ago, it’s me. So why haven’t I? How have I gotten through this, and how the hell can I even talk about joy? Here are 5 of my Top Tips on how to not just find moments of Joy but actually create more and more Joy in your life, even if you’re going through trauma, crisis or just dealing with the chaotic world events happening…

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Traditional Indigenous Teachings – power of the circle #TruthbyBrenda

Traditional Indigenous Teachings – power of the circle #TruthbyBrenda

I’ve been sharing traditional indigenous teachings for a few weeks here in Toronto and I thought I’d share with you about the power of gathering together, and especially in a circle. Gathering together in small groups is awesome but when you add the deeper layer of it being in the shape of a circle, you add a lot of power to your gathering. Here’s what happens in a traditional indigenous style circle where space is held well…

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How to Be Seen & Heard How YOU Want

How to Be Seen & Heard How YOU Want

I had the biggest and most engaged audience of all of them. And because of many of you, I got a prime time spot on stage. I had a plan AND I allowed Spirit to flow through and outside of that plan. HOW I DID IT… and how you can too, with whatever your big passion is and whatever your reason is to be seen and heard. This is how you get yourself seen and heard in the way YOU want to be remembered.

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