
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

#TruthByBrenda Posts

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Gratitude and Release

It is no mistake that after deciding to offer you this article, and also give you a gift in honour of Canadian Thanksgiving Day weekend... that I would come across one of the most powerful healing songs I have ever channelled. Tears were streaming down my face as I...

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Just B.R.E.A.T.H.E.

Just B.R.E.A.T.H.E.

A while ago, one of my clients was struggling - and while we all have our uniqueness, this was a struggle I hear a lot. I came up with an acronym based on the simplest and most useful advice I give my clients all the time: Just B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Be radiant expression...

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It Is Time…

It is time - right now - for women to come forward, gather our strength and heal ourselves and each other. Our voices - the truth of who we are as individuals and as a collective force - are very much needed during this massive transformation here on Mother Earth. It...

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