
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.


Are you a COVID-conscious woman looking for ways to manage and ease the impact of trauma, grief and the 2020s on your well-being?

Are you looking for a virtual keynote speaker or facilitator for an event or training?

Either way, you’re in the right place.

Take a deep breath in and out.

We’ve got a few ways to help you.

Whether you’re looking for grief and trauma support or you want to find your voice, we’ve got you. Maybe you want sisterhood and connection or you might prefer one-on-one mentoring and healing. We’ve got both. We will never minimize COVID-19 or Long COVID or make wild claims about our spiritual Indigenous healing and mentoring work. All services are provided virtually or by distance.

If you’re searching for a seasoned keynote speaker or facilitator for your virtual event or staff meeting, I’ve been doing virtual events since 2010, and in-person since 1999. Our popular topics include leadership, mindfulness for mental health, plus programming for non-profits. We customize all topics to client needs.

I’m Brenda MacIntyre and my Indigenous name is Medicine Song Woman. I’m a keynote speaker, award-winning singer and personal mentor.

Through my events, signature Medicine Song Healing work, trauma-informed mentoring and original Picking Up the Pieces 13 Moon program, I help COVID-conscious women to improve their lives, careers and businesses while managing trauma, grief or chronic illness.

I’m not a coach or therapist. I am a disabled neurodivergent Indigenous COVID-conscious woman with my own original bodies of work that have been helping women to find their voice and feel better for over 20 years.


“Before working with Brenda, I was stagnating in a mire of self-limiting beliefs and I was not owning my gifts.

After working with Brenda for many months, my spirit became awakened. I’ve learned to truly accept and love who I am. Fun and play at a level I had not experienced since early childhood have been reintroduced into my life. I found the voice to share my gifts and the fear of being seen is no longer a ruling factor in my life.”

Judy Galvez, Champion for Holistic Economic Development, Mississauga

“Through her amazing speaking and singing, Brenda has the unique ability to offer genuine wisdom through her teachings. I always look forward to her healing circles and joining her close-knit community – if it’s been a long week or day, I know that her circles will help me to reset and reframe, and I always leave refreshed!”

Katie, Toronto, Ontario

“”I felt the energy from my head to my toes. It was like I was floating in air, so relaxed that time just flew by. After that I had the BEST SLEEP EVER! I SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!! I woke up so relaxed. That was amazing! And the group calls have really helped me shift my energy and change from the inside out. You are an incredible healer, Thank you!”

Anazenka Fuentes

“When I came into working with Brenda, my BIG hope was to find a greater connection to my native roots, take that back to my family and be a good influence on them.

My smaller, more immediate hope was to find my inner creativity and paint (stencil) my kitchen walls. I’m not an artist or painter, and was undertaking the kitchen project with no experience!

Once I got started on the stenciling, I couldn’t stop. There are vines and flowers and butterflies and bees, and even hummingbirds which I enjoy looking at daily with such satisfaction and joy at what I accomplished with my own hands.

The BIG hope also manifested when I was gifted a hand drum from my cousin in Michigan who had them custom made by native craftsman. We drum at our annual reunion/powwow. Big time manifesto. The drum is a treasure.

The bottom line is, Brenda has been part of an ongoing all encompassing discovery of getting in touch with the higher consciousness of being.

The meditations with Brenda were phenomenal. They felt quite powerful. I still listen to them fairly frequently and love it when they come up randomly on my mp3 player. The drumming and singing was also very empowering. The power of sound and the vibration it emanates is very grounding.

I am at a stage in my life where I am just so grateful and appreciative for every day and every breath and every little blessing that comes my way.

I have been so very blessed. My vision was for my husband and I to find a piece of property in the country where we could camp and he could hunt. In my channeled healing session with Brenda, I was looking for strength to contain my overwhelming joy after we found the PERFECT place not more than a year later.

It’s been almost surreal, but it is so real it’s amazing. I am still overjoyed at the reality of it all.”



“Brenda MacIntyre will move you not only with her heartfelt, meaningful message but her powerful, rich, melodic voice and drum.

It isn’t often that a person enters the second day of a staff conference, and holds the space sharing exactly the inspirational, message that was meant for all the participants. Her message and songs affirmed the rich contributions of participants, the themes, and teachings of the conference.

We didn’t give Brenda what would be considered reasonable advance notice, however because the themes of the conference resonated with her, she went out of her way to accommodate our event date. Brenda also appeared early to feel the energy and listen to the conversations to allow her heart and spirit to lead her teachings, music, and drumming.

Conference participants will love Brenda’s authentic approach, thoughtful words, beautiful voice, and unique Indigenous drumming. Conference planners will love her flexibility and accommodating manner.”

Carol Wall, Wall to Wall Consulting

“Brenda MacIntyre created a beautiful, thoughtful hybrid Zoom/in-person workshop for my Artpark Bridges student group at St. Mary’s School for the Deaf.

Leading up to the event, we collaborated together on how to meet specific needs for this group of children living with deafness and severe hearing loss and Brenda’s generously attentive and compassionate preparation ensured a positive experience.

Her devotion to providing a truly authentic and meaningful interactive circle touched us all, as she explored presentation strategies for deaf participants for the first time.

With kindness, Brenda’s powerful teachings through song and story reached the hearts, minds and spirits of the children. They felt vibrations and rhythms of drumming, and their own breath deep in the belly, amplified and made meaningful through indigenous Ways of Knowing.

I truly wish all children could experience the genuine approach and loving lessons and practices of self-care and empathy for others shared by Brenda MacIntyre through her life-inspired art.”

Cynthia Pegado, Director, Artpark Bridges, community arts empowerment program of Artpark for people of diverse backgrounds and abilities

“Brenda MacIntyre just gave an outstanding and inspiring workshop called Picking Up The Pieces, for our “Looking After Your Health And Well Being” initiative, through Better Living Health and Community Services. This initiative was to support all staff and volunteers throughout the Central LHIN during the Covid -19 pandemic.

Her presentation was through zoom because of Covid. It worked well and if you are considering Brenda for a presentation, you will like her genuine approach, thoughtful words, and beautiful voice as she shares the stories behind her songs. A wonderful session Thank You.

Some of the feedback we received said:
I felt very uplifted and will use her teachings to learn how to ground myself and use sound and music to bring about calm and peace in my daily life.

I liked the notion of picking up the pieces. Reinforces the healing power of song, music, and making time and space for the grief and healing, pleasure and pain.”

Juliet Irish, Project Coordinator, Better Living Health & Community Services

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