
4 Ways to Fill Your Empty Cup to Overflowing: Let me show you how to truly unplug and fill your sacred cup to overflowing, so that you can hold space for the people you care about, and even for the healing of the planet and humanity, without losing yourself or your energy.

How I got a Miracle Healing from a River (true story)

Spiritual Connection | 0 comments

Whenever I travel, I like to go to the water to offer gratitude and a song, and to listen and feel the water.

In a place called Iroquois, the main water body is the St. Lawrence River. There is a history of that river and whole communities being moved long ago, and there is now a dam and lock there as part of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The ancestors of that land… in that land… many of them still feel pain and many are comforted by any healing work or prayers done in that area for them. My friend Kimberly Hutt of Souly Reconnected, where we did the weekend retreat, does a lot of energy and healing work for the land, water and ancestors in that area.

When Kimberly invited me to come and do a collaborative women’s retreat with her, I jumped at the chance. I had no idea a miracle healing was about to happen.


Kimberly took me around on a little tour of Iroquois the first day I got there and we ended up at the river. After being guided to get out of the truck, Kimberly literally found a trail of feathers left for her, later to be used in our retreat (unbeknownst to her at the time). I felt guided to go the opposite direction, to a beautiful tree. I could feel the tree calling to me, asking me to come channel a medicine song for the water, the land and the ancestors there.

While that was happening, I was doing a Twitter Live broadcast that started out with me just standing in the river. Once I arrived at the tree, I channelled a medicine song. When I left the river, my back and hip were healed.

I asked the river for a healing:

Whenever I do healing work for a person, the land, the water or a circle of women, I ask for healing for myself too. This time I asked the water specifically for that healing for myself.

Before we got to the river, I wasn’t even sure if I could get out of the truck because the pain in my back and hip – arthritis and whatever else – was so bad I could hardly think straight. I wouldn’t have gotten out if the river and that tree hadn’t called me.

With my feet in the river, I asked for a healing on my chronic pain. I thanked the water, acknowledged the ancestors and that tree, and the land, and then channeled a medicine song in the river.

After that, I walked around to the middle part of the beach and channeled another medicine song. The video of that one is on my Facebook.

I didn’t notice anything physically different at first. I didn’t realize the pain was almost completely gone. But when I got into the truck, which had been a huge difficult feat before, I noticed it didn’t hurt. Then I kept on noticing that it didn’t hurt. The pain in my back and hip had gone from a 10+ to a 2 or 3… and it pretty much stayed that way or better for 2 years! (Sadly, I had a bad fall 2 years later.)

How Can You Set The Stage For a Miracle Healing To Happen?

Does it happen the same way every time? No.

I’ve had anything from a tiny healing of a small pain to a complete instant healing of a big chronic pain. More often I just get a big disappointment that the pain is still here. Miracles are not consistent. They are not something most of us can just conjure up any time.

You need to be in a certain state of mind and frankly, that pain needs to NOT be something you still need to carry around and learn from. Sometimes the pain we carry is a teacher and we’re not done with it until we get and apply, and maybe even teach, the teaching, or until another lifetime (yeah it sucks but it’s true). But sometimes we’re done with a pain or we get whatever it was meant to bring us and then it can go. I’ve healed from 24/7 searing pain just days after I got it, and I’ve had an instant physical healing of 12 years of a small chronic pain in my thigh. There is no set picture of what a miracle healing can look like.

When a miracle healing has happened for me, it’s ALWAYS been when I was…

1. Completely Present in the Moment. Not necessarily in meditation, but just being present and not diving into what if’s, or living up in your head. Once I was doing yoga as part of my physical rehab after being hit by a van in my knee. Once I was walking through what I call my Gratitude Parking Lot. Two other times I was in deep meditation receiving healing work from a friend. This time of course I was channelling a healing song in a river. In all those cases I was completely present.

2. Feeling Gratitude, even if the pain was smacking me upside the head. Miracle healings have only happened when I was feeling gratitude. It has never mattered what the gratitude was for.

3. Open. And by open I mean open to what kind of healing and how that healing might show up. Open as opposed to being up in my head with expectations that connect to mass consciousness or internalized beliefs about it not working. Open in heart, mind, body and spirit.

4. Clear. Yes, even in the middle of horrible pain or circumstances, you can be clear. If you’re in shock after a trauma, or in memory about a trauma, clarity is probably not going to happen in the way you want it, so be patient with yourself if that’s the case. Once the shock wears off, or you are feeling better in the moment, you’ll be able to find some clarity. Be clear in your desire. Be clear about what you’re asking and why. You don’t have to be clear of all blocks because if you were, you’d probably be done with this lifetime on the planet. Be clear of frustration, which can be hard when you’re hurting, so again be patient with yourself. Just clear yourself of frustration for a few moments. That can often be all it takes. Get clear about what matters in that moment.

5. Focusing on ME. If you want a miracle healing, focus on YOU. Your deservingness. Your belief in the Truth of Life – that you are a walking miracle of Life. That you are Love embodied. All of your beautiful qualities. Who YOU are – not the pain that happens to be currently residing in your physical or emotional body.

6. Knowing that you are NOT this pain. Being able to disconnect your thoughts and beliefs about self from the pain. Just imagine all your nerve endings, your bloodstream, the dendrites that are the branches in your brain connecting you to the pain, the place in your body where the pain is, and your very cells gently opening themselves and unraveling themselves from the pain. Imagine the pain being its own entity that has its own freedom. Okay, this part is channelled just right now in the moment as I write this. This is not what I was consciously doing, but it was happening. When we connect and associate ourselves with the pain (“MY headache”) we are telling ourselves that the pain is part of the core of who we are, which it is not. I am constantly reminding myself not to use that language of ownership when I speak or think about the pain I am feeling.

7. NOT letting your inner sceptic immediately and constantly look for proof that the healing didn’t happen, and definitely not letting it take root in your subconscious. When you look for the healing you just asked for, and you don’t find it instantly, it becomes another piece of proof that you don’t get to have what you want, that you don’t deserve to live without pain, or that the healing didn’t work. The work here is to loosen and clear those beliefs out of your system, and make sacred space for the belief that you really can receive healing.

P.S. This is KEY for any of you who have “tried everything and nothing worked” (yep, me too). Miracles can only happen if we make space and let them in.

What miracles have you experienced? What memories can you spark of moments where you had a healing? Please share in the comments. Those memories of healing miracles are food for your brain, to help it stop getting in the way of more miracles and instead be an inner supportive friend for you. You know what else? When people look at or listen to your sharing about your healing miracles, they will begin to entertain the thought that it might be possible for them too. You get to create a ripple effect of miracles and healing just by sharing your experiences.

Love & Blessings,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman



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About Brenda MacIntyre

About Brenda MacIntyre

Known by her indigenous name Medicine Song Woman, Brenda MacIntyre has shared her evocative melodic voice and fusion of reggae, rap and indigenous hand drum healing music with appreciative audiences of 30 to 3,000 across North America. The Toronto-based Juno Award-winning singer has been featured nationally on MuchMusic, CTV, CP24, APTN and most recently, Global and the front page of the Toronto Star.

Powered by her grief from losing her son to murder in 2016, Brenda MacIntyre pours her soulful voice over a confluence of indigenous hand drum healing, soft rap and conscious roots reggae in her album “Picking Up the Pieces,” released in September 2019.

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